And now for something completely different... Today an extremely fat kid asked me, "Do you ever get tired of sitting down? I do. Sometimes I just want to lie on the floor."
His name is John. He likes Norwegian Black Metal. He plays an Ibanez 7-string.
We were discussing bands, and he stopped me and said, "dude, you're my new best friend." hahaha. I'm tryna jam with him sometime this week. Hopefully, we can put together a project band or something.
We recorded two songs tonight on a friend's MacBook. They're live and a little raw, but in my opinion, worth checking out. Both of them are now on our MySpace page. Check them out HERE!!!
Tonight was pretty cool. We had "Fight Night" on the hall. My hand hurts now because I hit Kyle in the face so many times. :D If that's not metal, I don't know what is (that's what Larry the Cable Guy would say after jokes if he was xXhardcoreXx
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