Title: Searching the World - Part II
Team: Aurors
Rating: G
Warnings: Angst?
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco
Challenge: #160 - Fireworks
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and her minions own everything related to Harry Potter and his magical world. I make no money from this paltry piece of Potterotica.
Authors Notes: continuing
my story from last week.
Harry could hear fireworks going off as he prepared to leave Casablanca.
He’d not found Draco in Morocco or any other northern African major city, but he cast the appropriate charms there to detect if his lover ever came.
He knew Draco had tired of Europe years ago, so Harry continued his search in more exotic places.
Tomorrow, he’d sail down the western African coastline. He’d remembered Draco reading Alexander McCall Smith’s books and wondered if he fancied Botswana.
It would be like Draco to want to uncover a great mystery, Harry mused as he tried to unravel his own.