WE HAZ FEST BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 08, 2010 19:58

It is with love and the biggest thank-you ♥ to the wonderful veridari that we proudly and totally flailing with excitement announce ...


Art and banner by the awesomeness that is veridari. ♥
Fest Schedule and Fest Rules

Get your pens out, your fingers cracking and
those steaming top!Draco and bottom!Harry fantasies plot bunnies on paper and screen!

Prompting for the dracotops_harry Fest starts December 3!

Please help us promote the dracotops_harry Fest. Here's the handy code to copy and paste in your LJ, your comm, wherever you can think of. ♥

http://community.livejournal.com/dracotops_harry/">http://www.hdcareerfair.de/Dracotops/banner1.jpg" width="400" alt="fest_banner">
Art and banner by .

Prompting starts December 3 | http://community.livejournal.com/dracotops_harry/83067.html">Fest Schedule and Fest Rules | http://community.livejournal.com/dracotops_harry/83332.html">Promotion Banner

[admin] banners, [admin] fest-2011, [admin] announcement

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