The House of Cards - An Elite Blog Crew

Jul 01, 2003 04:43

♠ ♥ ♣ t

Welcome to the House of Cards.

♤ Comment on this post to join.
♤ You do not have to be on my Friends List to be a member.
♤ You may use one of my codes or make up one of your own.
♤ You must link back to this post so others can find the House.
♤ There is no Joker in this deck, so please do not request one.
♤ Please do not join on more than one journal.

Meet the Members...

♠ Ace || dragonspeaker
♠ King || poisonwavehana
♠ Queen ||
♠ Jack || exquisitdefect
♠ Ten ||
♠ Nine ||
♠ Eight ||
♠ Seven || gears
♠ Six ||
♠ Five ||
♠ Four ||
♠ Three ||
♠ Two ||

♥ Ace || batkisses
♥ King ||
♥ Queen ||
♥ Jack || ohnomychicken
♥ Ten ||
♥ Nine || grapesheezy
♥ Eight ||
♥ Seven || hidden_tears
♥ Six ||
♥ Five ||
♥ Four ||
♥ Three || hellyeah03
♥ Two || green_wing


♣ Ace || hopeonsun
♣ King ||
♣ Queen ||
♣ Jack ||
♣ Ten ||
♣ Nine ||
♣ Eight ||
♣ Seven ||
♣ Six ||
♣ Five ||
♣ Four ||
♣ Three ||
♣ Two ||

t Ace ||
t King ||
t Queen || flowergirl_ino
t Jack ||
t Ten ||
t Nine ||
t Eight ||
t Seven ||
t Six ||
t Five ||
t Four ||
t Three ||
t Two ||
Example: The House of Cards || ♠ Ace

The House of Cards || ♠ YOURCARDHERE">The House of Cards || YOURCARDHERE

The House of Cards || ♥ YOURCARDHERE">The House of Cards || YOURCARDHERE
The House of Cards || ♣ YOURCARDHERE">The House of Cards || YOURCARDHERE

The House of Cards || t YOURCARDHERE">The House of Cards || t YOURCARDHERE

t ♣ ♥ ♠

cards, public, crew, house of cards, cliques, blog crew

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