art: Get On The Floor (NSFW)

Oct 12, 2010 03:10

Title: Get On The Floor
Artist: vensre
Rating: M
Characters/pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Content notes: NSFW, contains nudity and crossdressing. \o/
This is the coloured version of my fill for this kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin, art - Merlin in a babydoll or some sort of sexy female lingerie.
Many thanks to yue_ix for the art beta (and always, for basically teaching me how to colour!), and to the usual suspects for invaluable encouragement and squee.

Read the amazing, fabulous companion fic by planejane: There But For The Grace Of You

character: arthur, theme: kink_meme, genre: slash, character: merlin, rating: mature, ship: arthur/merlin, genre: romance, artist: vensre

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