i know i said i wouldn't post any more philosphy type posts because i realized talking about how to live my life is not productive and actually living it is much better
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if there is one thing i have learned from watching "the day after tomorrow", "armageddon", and "idependence day", is that you should never live in new york city because you will get fucked up.
tonight when i was driving home, this douche bag guido and his lady guido are at a light next to me. its 2 lanes that merge into one. so when the light turns green he floors it to get ahead of me
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so we're packing for the move and i found this note:
"men always want to be a women's first love. that is there clumsy vanity. women have a more subtle instinct about things: what they like is to be a man's last romance" -oscar wilde
two mexicans that had no idea what they were doing just made it to the show case show down.
the time has come for boarder control! or we could give mexico some economical funding so mexicans wouldn't want to leave.... what if there was a mexican bob barker, i bet that would solve everything...
i started this journal writing about funny things, then i changed and wrote about my problems, then i stopped dwelling on the problems and wrote about how i'm going to solve them
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the only way for the world to become a better place is for everyone to better their lives and to want to better the world around them on a local scale
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