<3<3 Many thanks for your wonderful gift of awesomeness, syn. Brought a smile to my face, which is a great thing considering the amount of pain I've been in since Monday. <3
All of them are fantastic. And imagine my surprise when I found not one but TWO helicopter dudes in the box. I made small sounds of surprise and great joy. <3
Please follow the links, as I have posted these already on my tumblr account, and it is FAR MORE EASIER to do it there, than with the system here at livejournal, sadly. OAO
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Darkesong is giving me way too many spiffy ideas, AND I have new Shockwave DOTM toy, and he is sitting near Reveal the Shield Perceptor and they are both looking SCRUMPTOUS.
>3 Might need to try the whole ‘Alphabet’ style writing sequence again. I’ll see if I’ll feel up to another Pirate Pad session. <3