Dreamincolor's Btvs/Ats Fanfiction
DreamingR - Romance/Angst - 1573
Dreams aren't always logical. Lilah's are no exception.
BarePG13 - Dark/PWP - 300
Lilah sees Fred how she is, not how she wants to be.
An Unlikely PairPG13 - Gen/Romance - WIP (4 chapters so far.)
In Pylea, everything is different.
Her AngelG - Angst/Romance - 358
What keeps them whole, is remembering.
Like the MoviesPG - Romance - 500
Cordelia imagines she and Fred are in a movie.
Tuned InPG - Romance - 500
Fred and Cordelia have a girls' night in.
EternityNC17 - Dark/Romance - 6893
Darla wants to give Faith eternity.
Her GamePG13 - Dark/Romance - 1423
Darla loved the hunt, but Faith prefered the kill.
HumanizingPG - Dark/Romance - 100
Once in awhile, Cordelia catches sight of something.
Two of a KindPG13 - Romance/Gen - 3663
Cordelia needed good wine, leather couches, and someone who didn't think Burberry was a dessert.
RewardsPG - Fluff/Romance - 635
Monday morning goes a bit differently than planned.
Cordelia/Other Female
A Simple Choice Cordelia/Eve - PG13 - Angst/Romance - 4051
Cordelia has twenty minutes to live, and Eve makes her an offer.
Somewhat CompatibleCordelia/Anya - PG - Humor/Romance - 916
Anya and Cordy talk about martinis, money and men.
Lilah/Other Female
Every Good PlanLilah/? - R - PWP - 1037
Every good plan needs a test run.
ProfessionalLilah/Bethany - PG13 - Romance/PWP - 200
Lilah Morgan was a professional.
Fred/Other Female
The FigmentFred/Buffy - G - Gen/Romance - 2239
In Pylea, anything good is just a figment of Fred’s imagination.
Let Your Demon Be Your GuideFred/Willow - PG13 - Romance/Gen - 1556
Lorne plays matchmaker.
DreamingR - Romance/Angst - 1573
Dreams aren't always logical. Lilah's are no exception.
SurrenderPG - Romance/Dark - 1292
Her name on his tongue has a terrible familiarity.
Nothing to LosePG13 - Angst/Romance - 1054
'It's not always about holding hands.' -Wesley, S4 E16
ComfortR - PWP/Romance - 1,238 words
Wesley used to take comfort in dusty texts and hot tea. Now, he finds comfort in something else.
Just DinnerPG - Romance - 100 words
“Dinner tonight, my place.”
Power ShiftPG - Angst/Romance - 100 words
'Lilah's body was a tool.'
What was SurprisingPG - Romance/Angst - 100 words
'There was something about Lilah that made Wesley's blood boil.'
RomeoPG - Romance - 100 words
'Feel like carrying me home, Romeo?'
StayPG - Romance - 741 words
'Angel could hear her heartbeat against him, tellingly quick for such a quiet embrace.'
TimePG - Romance - 1523 words
Cordelia takes on the afterlife, and the surprises that come with it.
Bad IdeaAngel/Doyle - G - Humor - 557 words
Sometimes, using magic is just a bad idea.
FeelingsAngel/Lindsey (sort of) - G - Humor - 333 words
Angel has an unexpected, and all too revealing moment.