Title: Run Devil Run
Fandom: U-Kiss
Pairing: Kemaru
Genre: Twisted fic, idek
Rating: PG-14?
Summary: You better run.
Warnings: Twisted U-Kiss fics do exist.
A/N: PLEASING MY U-KISS READERS TOO! My GDay fic sucks so.... here's some U-KISS.
Dedicated to:
pornobikini because she's a whore like that. :|
The promises that you promised are about as real as an air guitar, so watch your back 'cause I'm gonna steal your car. )
Comments 4
Kibum smiled back and waved, feeling like something was really off... and he only realized what it was when he looked down on the bed, his eyes widening as he saw his car keys and his own cellphone with a text sent last afternoon that had a single line:
"Just go and see how far you will have to run when you try to see her instead of me again."
I don't like crooked smile...I wished you put smirked instead. Idk, crooked sounds too evil. Smirked sounds like a possessive boyfriend <33
But yeah Kevin <33
"Just go and see how far you will have to run when you try to see her instead of me again."
I love love this line~!
"Because now you know it's way better to run to me than run from me, right? You know you're better off being mine, right? Because I know."
Gosh. Kibum, you shouldn't. I don't know why he even tried finding someone else.
And wow.
Eli, you taught Kevin how to drive just awesomely XD
kevin is sooo awesome~
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