i woke up this morning and i was really pissed off. i haven't felt angry in a while. i think that it would have been therapeutic if i had someone--or if i'm to be completely honest, a very specific someone--to vent it at. that was not the case and so i just paced back and forth in front of the bus stop.
i really like my new apartment. my neighbor is this crazy old fat coke head and her little tiny boyfriend. for some reason they think that they weird out the little white boy, that is to say, me. They should meet some of my other friends.
i feel like i'm swirling down a toilet. everytime i try to grab onto the side, the old chunks of poo come off in my hand and i just keep swiring down. fuck man, i don't like metaphors that compare my life to anything toilet related.
also, if i have to listen to the indigo girls any more at work, i'm seriously going to lose my shit.
i went to pretty much the hippest party in town. i'm usually very uncomfortable around the falala tucson folk folks, but i actually had a really good time and made friends with everybody. which one of those guys was in calexico?
ohhhhhhh riiiiiiight. now i remember! i was avoiding relationships because i can't handle rejection. fuck, i wish i had remembered that three months ago.