...people just make things sadder. those you love to be with just make you realize how everything's gone ghetto food fight onto them, and those you hate were the ones putting blades in the scrambled eggs. and i can't do anything about anything except make things worse...which is much too easy. i think i need to take a drive..
Even the sun-clouds this morning cannot manage such skirts. Nor the woman in the ambulance Whose red heart blooms through her coat so astoundingly ----
i missed hempfest today to go to work and have my boss accuse me of stealing. Apparently having black hair and not jumping on the white-trash gung-ho american bandwagon makes me untrustworthy.
wow. why does the little animated girl turn blonde when she pukes?...maybe blondes have a lower tolerancy... my heart beats every ten seconds. I need Nyquil.