i know this may sound stupid and makes me seem like a jerk but i saw this girl in the bookstore today. Well needless to say she was a very beutiful looking girl. well nuff said from me sorry for the random entry here ok everyone go back to your regular lives now
wow so you ever have this problem with a friend and something happened between that friend and your other friend and then later on it happens again but with two other friends....my word this is creepy
ok this isnt what it seems i should have said liked instead of like
safetydanceNG :robin hood prince of thieves is one of my favorite movies luserkiid :i like men in tights safetydanceNG (:umm, i hope not luserkiid :OMG
today was long....i had one and a half hours of sleep last night...yay for me and im not gunna get alot tonight either since im getting up at 7 yay... not
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