i fucking hate lakeland....last night we went for a bike ride we were so fucking bored... i hope everyone comes to the show tonight, it's gonna be rad... 6 pm, johnson sound, $5.... woot
as cool as drama is, in this whole thing i've lost a great deal of respect for some very close friends, and lost some close friends all together. i think it's stupid, and everyone whos making a huge deal about this is fucking stupid as well.
no one ever reads my journal....laalaalaalaalaaa....
i'm super bored with life...the only challenge i have is music...well maybe it's cause i've given up on school....given up on everything but that....hmmm...who knows....
well damn....here i am....16 years old...and in desperate need of someone to do my tattoos.....anyone know anyone, or wanna do em? lemme know.....i guess....so bored.....so bored.....
show this weekend went well...it was cool....we go in the studio this coming weekend...everyone wish us luck.....i'm so bored...three day week for me....
i hate that girl you can never have....but i love her at the same time....damn the human mind....
evans suprise b-day - thursday most beautiful girl in the world - friday or saturday graduation party for dad - may 6 lecanto show - may 22 masquerade - may 28 state theatre - june ish?
tour with steve - summer tour with ourselves - summer
ummm other then that i'm bored... any one doing anything fun this week?