I leave you to revel in all your youthful yearnings I know you like to visit them from time to time. And like a theif, I steal the words you write to her I take them to my heart and wish them to be mine
To continue on the 'certain people' train this is directed at a different certain person as I couldnt really be bothered with the forementioned certain person anymore because she really pisses me off. But now...to the OTHER certain 'guitar monkey' person who called me a 'livejournal neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie!' you dont have to fuck off because i like
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oh and to certain people who miss certain people's certain gigs because they have certain other more fun places to be even though certain people promised to attend certain gigs...fuck off. and stop sending me msg's. also stop flirting your ass off with me Im sick of it. You're a big girl now, go find yourself a vice! Also, next time we are
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I havn't written for so long. weird hey? But I have suddenly decided that live journals are a pretty fucked up concept and who the hell am I really writing to anyway? Myself? You? Who the hell are you
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