That was indeed a quality entry. I'd like to think that these moments are ones of triumph--at least in the tiny little way we can say we've figured it out a bit more clearly than we did before.
Enjoy England. I think I'll be in London by Winter.
Definitely make it out here. If I get to know London well enough, I'll let you know where the hotspots are. I went to London's "Chinatown" and well, let's just say I'm going to be missing my meats and asian food for the next two months.
The first image is of Chinatown in London. I mean, in one shot, I got the beginning of Chinatown to the end where the arch is in the background. How pathetic is that? One block? Haha.
I dare not try any of the food on that strip THOUGH I found an Asian snack store and was grateful for the opportunity to drink authentic milk tea. There was one restaurant offering a 40 course meal for something around £7.50 and, although translating to $14-15 American, holy crap, who eats 40 courses?!
As one who has had her finger poked into your lower lumbar spine this entire year, don't downplay all that you have done. I saw a change. I see this potential in you, and now you have the opportunity to do something thats your own, something that's amazing. No pressure. You have enough intellegence, talent, beauty and grace to turn everything you touch to gold. Now do it. Live life like nothing is good enough, and you will do amazing things. And though I don't live with regrets, all I can remember is those wasted days... Thank you for reminding me that taking life at a run is not the only way to live a meaningful life. I expect great things from you Adrienne Aguirre. Pressure. But only because I know that you can deliver.
If my finger becomes too sharp, don't be afraid to attack me with a file. Love you. Miss you. Sorry for the obscene length, and the obscene spelling. I spelled "splice" "mantra" and "piety" yesterday.
Comments 11
2617 college avenue #7
berkeley, ca 94705
usa :(
it will be 1 yr since i left for brighton in 2 days. have fun and post pictures and whereabouts!
thanks! I'll keep you posted
Enjoy England. I think I'll be in London by Winter.
I went to London's "Chinatown" and well, let's just say I'm going to be missing my meats and asian food for the next two months.
Thanks. I'll write.
The first image is of Chinatown in London. I mean, in one shot, I got the beginning of Chinatown to the end where the arch is in the background. How pathetic is that? One block? Haha.
There was one restaurant offering a 40 course meal for something around £7.50 and, although translating to $14-15 American, holy crap, who eats 40 courses?!
If my finger becomes too sharp, don't be afraid to attack me with a file. Love you. Miss you. Sorry for the obscene length, and the obscene spelling. I spelled "splice" "mantra" and "piety" yesterday.
Those are some nice words, lady. I'm impressed.
Damn! I wanna write people so badly already but I have no stationary!!!
i will miss you terribly. =(
I miss you even before I left!
As I've mentioned about three times, I NEED TO FIND STATIONARY. AND STAMPS.
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