I am going on a vacation to Portland in two days so I thought instead of looking for jobs or apartments I would instead make a sketch journal update! I got lots of goodies here today for y'all, let's start.
The second round of Sketch Commissions! I hope to get another one done before my trip but I don't think that will happen. 2 outta 5 ain't bad, though. This is
Sarah D's character Jamie. I knew her at MSU and now she is at SCAD and she was nice enough to throw some money my way. Woo! I got to draw a human!
Second sketch commission! From
Shiyiya, who requested herself as a satyr. Normally there are no female satyrs in Skin Deep, but I will bend the rules if it is something I would not mind drawing, and satyrs are things I do not mind drawing. Besides who knows, maybe there are a few weirdo girl satyrs running around. Skin Deep rules have loopholes the size of trucks most of the time. TRU FAX: I had finished this last night, but realized this morning that I had completely forgotten to draw in the horns. BLASPHEMY. In the process of putting the horns in I screwed up the opacity and so it's a little more subdued than my usual sketches, but it's kind of a happy accident I think.
Master List Jack and Phoenix. With these two I have finished drawing master list drawings for EVERYONE IN EXCHANGES. I think. Except Martha. I suppose I should draw a Martha. She did get several pages of screen time, which is more than I can say for our friend Django, and Django has a drawing. I realize Phoenix looks huge compared to Jack, it's just that they are separate drawings and I saved them at different sizes because, let me tell you, I have such a great attention to detail for things like this. Whatever guys, use your imagination. Pretend that Phoenix is much closer to the screen than Jack is. It will be like watching the Lord of the Rings. Phoenix is Gandalf and Jack is Frodo.
A new batch of images for the character page on my comic site. I was going to update everything today, but I realized I needed to update Anthony and Blanche's images, so I am going to wait to do that tomorrow. So until then y'all get to see it early. I am sure they are riddled with grammatical errors. I seem to have an allergy to proper punctuation and an affinity for huge run-on sentences. I will probably mess with these before I put them up on the website, so enjoy these potential WIPs.
sfemonster has had to help me out entirely too much in this department and I still screw it up on a regular basis. Also you get a little sneak peak at a character that will show up in a couple of pages. OH NO. SPOILER ALERT. TIM IS MARRIED.
And this little thing is a work in progress for a poster series I would like to sell maybe sometime (probably the same time I finally get my other prints up for sale at etsy. THIS IS TAKING FOREVER TO GET ROLLING FOR SOME REASON). Started shortly after making
this page of the comic, as I designed up a little poster for the Boney Kings of Nowhere in the second panel that I thought might look interesting as a series. I pseudo-based them on the
Keep Calm and Carry On poster, but I am not very happy with the typography on these quite yet. I need to futz with it. I do like the skull drawings, though. Any suggestions are welcome at this stage, as I am still messing with everything. I may remove the squiggly lines from the bugbear one (the first one) and maybe add a spider or something. NOT SURE. STILL WORKING ON IT. I have this obsession with making band posters for my fake bands, I don't know what it is. I need to finish that Ellipsis poster I started awhile back too.
And maybe make a comic about the bands (or at least showing all the band members) so I can justify selling them as merchandise.
AND FINALLY. This is the image that is going up next Tuesday while I am gone in Portland. It is a spoof on Portland's
white stag sign because I am a huge moronic dorkface. THERE. MY SECRET IS OUT.