im getting a NEW journal. if you want it u HAVE to i.m me im doign it so i know exactly who knows it or not. i dont want some people reading my life. crystal flilour you know not add my new journal as your friend. just rember it. i know its difficult and kinda annoying but its for my and your safty. LONG STORY : )
♥HAHAAH IT WORKED!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥ thanks to tara for the ♥ and thanks to kate for tellinging my to copy it lol!♥♥♥♥♥MUAHAH AND I FOUND MCR MOOD THINGS!! ill credit the person later.
im gonna get a new lj.... ill still keep this one running because of the communities. I MIGHT STILL UPDATE TO THIS ONE!! ill post my new journal when it happends...