~Artz Post: One Feeling at a Time

Feb 23, 2011 12:21

My fabulous kelleigh wrote a gorgeous adaptation of Peter Pan for j2_everafter. Just as stupid cheer-up I offered ~artz and then these happened last night.

One Feeling at a Time
PG. Based on Peter Pan. 7,000 words.
Jared was never supposed to grow up. He was also never supposed to come back.

Despite the ridiculous nature of these Photoshop creations, go read her story. It is amazing and heart-clenching then heartwarming all in the same go. I so love the attention she gives to Jensen's fairy traits, and to how much he sees in Jared. The characterization of Neverland itself is a lovely addition to this story; it so rounds it out for me.

PLEASE READ. I demand it! :-D


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