scsu. i love my new friends. i miss my best ones. ive already had my heartbroken. im about to break someones heart as well. its boring here on the weekends. classes are ok. overall...i like southern.
it is august 1st. i will be in college this month. wow. no more lisa everyday. no more jeff everyday. no more joe everyday. im not ready to let summer go.
senior trip tomorow. very excited. got a job at 80 licks. very excited. rooming with steph at southern. very excited. all paid for prom and an awesome place to go afterwards. very veeeerrry excited. i have a rash on my boobs. not to excited.
new york city thursday!!!i love nyc. more school im missing, OH FUCKING WELL. :)
i can't even believe how much money i have lost since i stopped working, good god, like 800 bucks to 250, where the hell did it all go? i was at 2000 when i was working. WTF?!?!?! i need to start working NOW.