I'm bored....so I'm doing a bunch of these quizzes

Sep 16, 2005 23:22

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1) Is joystreet525 a college student? no
2) Would 1_last_refrain go out with munchkinator535? he's taken
3) What would lizzy_5288 think of joystreet525? loves her...who doesnt
4) If babyblues16 and badatnameideas were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the left breast
5) Is joystreet525 athletic? very...she is a wonderful dancer
6) Thoughts on wo0o0o0o? she got detention for spilling some toy thing at her school
7) If munchkinator535 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? john wayne
8) Is 1_last_refrain your best friend? i dont really know him that well as he did not come to mssa
9) If yzguy1234 and chip1246 were spliced together, what would be its name? childdddd laconte
10) Is badatnameideas dead sexy? of course
11) If chaneekwa and fresa523 were spliced together, what would it be like? it would be a mixture of awesomeness
12) Is miss_bcb a high school student? yes she is...soon to be a harvard student
13) When did you last call d_mcg? um....before i left
14) Would you ever date chaneekwa? haha...chelsbels maybe
15) Did itsjustcaitlin break up with you? yes she did...bitch
16) Do you have tink64's screenname? i do
17) Has louqueeeee dyed their hair? bright pink
18) How would miss_bcb conquer the world? Only the best would go to Harvard, the rest would eat margarita pizzas
19) What do you disagree with louqueeeee about? Um....nothing
20) Would you make out with babyblues16? who says we havent...
21) Which of your friends should badatnameideas go out with? josh kiegler...whoever played the king in into the woods at mssa
22) What word best describes munchkinator535? christopherstreet
23) If munchkinator535 took over the world, who would suffer? those who do not respect the way of the bologna
24) What color should cookiemonzter dye their hair? magenta
25) What rank would msliz101 have in a giant robot army? lieutenant
26) One quality you find attractive in badatnameideas? her outgoingness
27) Does d_mcg do drugs? no and he will never
28) Would mongoman0800 and miss_bcb make a good couple? haha no
29) What video game does chip1246 remind you of? zelda
30) wo0o0o0o's hair color? brown

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1) Where was louqueeeee born? hopefully in a hospital
2) If fresa523 had a superpower, what would it be? she wards off sketchy college guys who play games and sports
3) Would smallestofall47 and chaneekwa make a good couple? haha yes they would
4) Do smallestofall47 and chip1246 go to the same school? no
5) Where would yzguy1234 most like to visit? albequerque mmmhmmm
6) What word best describes chernga_chernga? ASIAN
7) Does anosowitz have a dog? im not sure...yes maybe?
8) Does louqueeeee have a big secret? he once taped a football game without the expressed written consent of the national footbal league and abc
9) Is tink64 a nerd? no of course not
10) If msliz101 were hanging off a cliff, what would smallestofall47 do? suddenly become very strong and save her
11) What do you agree with luckyy about? um...damaging ones hippocampus is not a good thing
12) Have you ever dated chernga_chernga? nope..although her parents thought so
13) Are chip1246 and cookiemonzter going out? no they are not
14) How many monkeys could yzguy1234 fight at once and win against? 17
15) If munchkinator535 and joystreet525 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the right pinky
16) Has chip1246 dyed their hair? yea he has...so many times I dont even know what he real hair color is anymore
17) Does wo0o0o0o travel a lot? yes to france
18) Would cookiemonzter be a better ninja or pirate? shes a pirate obvs
19) How would d_mcg conquer the world? he and lucy would rule the world sending spiderman out to destroy everyone
20) Do you think dramaqueen705 is hot? she is my dance slave
21) What is babyblues16's shoe size? 13...and u know what they say about girls with big feet...
22) Is wo0o0o0o in a relationship? no
23) What exotic animal would lizzy_5288 like as a pet? iguana
24) What languages does wo0o0o0o speak? french, russian, cantoneese
25) Is 1_last_refrain popular? of course he is
26) What animal does tink64 remind you of? a badger...very motherly
27) Thoughts on lizzy_5288? loves her
28) Is munchkinator535 1337? maybe
29) If msliz101 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? all the dancers in swing
30) d_mcg's hair color? black the dark of ages past
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