You know me (or actually, you don't really...) from the WorldCon of 2005 in Glasgow! I met Hmpf there, and you joined the party later. For that alone I have been known to befriend people.
Saw a familiar face at time and chips, stumbled upon your journal and me being a lj-newbie had to be told to friend you. And it feels kinda weird to write that down in your journal because you know the whole story. ;)
Every now and then I come by to read your journal and now I have finally found something I can comment on. BTW, it's just annoying to have communities on the friends list. I never know when you write something new because there's tons of community-entries. *rollseyes*
The poor crystal had some problems with its username and after trying countless combinations, having to type its password and so on over and over again, decided to simply add a colour and a number and be done with it. ;) Sooo many crystals out there...
So, why seti? drd I can figure out *g* but this... I know the seti@home project...?
Yeah, that's where the name originated. I've always been a bit weird when deciding which username I'm gong to take, I chose different ones for each board in my early days on the 'net. And as a Farscape board brought me here, I chose the name I had on that board for LJ... By now I prefer to be Dune everywhere, but it's too late to change it on LJ, so it seems I'm stuck with seti_drd.
I tend to do stealth friending, and then commenting a bit later. Sometimes it takes the stalker-ish feelings away.
I'm a bit strange, I post mainly Doctor Who stuff, and I come from New Zealand. Most of which you could probably find out by looking at my journal, but still. :)
I've seen you in various communities, for one. Recently, though, I saw the story you linked to and bookmarked it to read again (for when my thoughts are clearer).
I think it's one of those times when I see a journal and wonder why I don't actually have the person friended yet. Hope you don't mind.
Comments 111
For that alone I have been known to befriend people.
All of them still live happily insane 8-)
Still: Hello! *waves*
If you backdate it, it won't appear on people's flist but only on your LJ page itself.
*waves back*
Do not feel obligated to friend back unless you like reading mine!
Friended you back btw :)
Every now and then I come by to read your journal and now I have finally found something I can comment on. BTW, it's just annoying to have communities on the friends list. I never know when you write something new because there's tons of community-entries. *rollseyes*
The poor crystal had some problems with its username and after trying countless combinations, having to type its password and so on over and over again, decided to simply add a colour and a number and be done with it. ;) Sooo many crystals out there...
So, why seti? drd I can figure out *g* but this... I know the seti@home project...?
And as a Farscape board brought me here, I chose the name I had on that board for LJ... By now I prefer to be Dune everywhere, but it's too late to change it on LJ, so it seems I'm stuck with seti_drd.
I tend to do stealth friending, and then commenting a bit later. Sometimes it takes the stalker-ish feelings away.
I'm a bit strange, I post mainly Doctor Who stuff, and I come from New Zealand. Most of which you could probably find out by looking at my journal, but still. :)
I've seen you in various communities, for one. Recently, though, I saw the story you linked to and bookmarked it to read again (for when my thoughts are clearer).
I think it's one of those times when I see a journal and wonder why I don't actually have the person friended yet. Hope you don't mind.
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