x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Nov 10, 2010 18:50
pose: bitch please, hanging with: alexis denisof, always: saving the world, tv: dollhouse, damn girl: kick her ass, wardrobe: magenta, wardrobe: dress, oh shit: she's a scrappy fighter, oh shit: she'll cut a bitch, crap: post is so late, hell yeah: i don't need slayer strength , ohh: mess with her she'll eff you up, type: behind the scenes, hair: down and curly
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 14, 2010 00:54
hell yeah: the party's officially here, damn girl: coulda been a great hooker, omg: it's my birthday!, type: gif, tv: dollhouse, hell yeah: i love to get my way, echo: kickass safecracker, ohh: blue skies, episode: gray hour, ohh: those tall black boots are love, omg: squee!, hell yeah: taffy is happy, expression: having fun, icu: chilling like a villian
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 09, 2010 11:47
jewelry: earrings, pose: tempt you tease you, omg: i love you two, mmm: so yummy, icu: workin that sex appeal, type: candid, hair: dark brown, omg: i'd so ship it, makeup: dark eyes, ohh: you got everyone going mad, hell yeah: my arm candy is the hottest, wardrobe: lace, hair: down, hanging with: ian somerhalder, icu: getting it girl, damn girl: those lips r so kissable, wardrobe: black, hell yeah: we're hot and we know it, ohh: slayer and vamp hookup ne1?
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 08, 2010 00:26
icu: getting your pic taken, always: pleasing others, omg: she is too cute for words, crap: post is late again, accessories: scarf, 2010, accessories: watch, damn girl: love your crazy faces, always: having fun, always: goofing off
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 05, 2010 21:54
damn girl: your lashes go on 4ever, damn girl: so pretty no matter what, icu: drinking, jewelry: earrings, damn girl: looking like a kid again, hell yeah: i'm thirsty, jewelry: necklace, damn girl: you give me a hand fetish, ohh: everything you do is magic, makeup: gold and pink, accessories: headband, type: candid, hair: curly
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 04, 2010 21:13
damn girl: no one compares to you, wardrobe: jeans, accessories: microphone, jewelry: bracelet, hell yeah: i'm the center of attention, jewelry: necklace, type: event, hair: half down, hair: blonde highlights, damn girl: look so sweet, 2010, wardrobe: sweater, ohh: so pretty it hurts
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 03, 2010 18:56
wardrobe: white, expression: crazy excited, faith: is adorable, wardrobe: zip up sweatshirt, damn girl: so cute when you're excited, wardrobe: tank top, hell yeah: i've become a wild thing, you are: so full of life, btvs: s3, type: gif, omg: squee!!, hair: straight, btvs: back in the day, face: ditzy but adorable, tv: btvs, hair: half down, damn girl: you light up the room
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily May 01, 2010 20:45
hanging with: ben barnes, type: movie still, type: promotional, hell yeah: i'm hot stuff, hair: straight, damn girl: yous a sexy bitch, ohh: dont be scared ive done this b4, pose: tempt you tease you, movie: locked in, mmm: so yummy, icu: workin that sex appeal, damn girl: she's naughty to the end, expression: you know you want it
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Apr 29, 2010 23:34
hell yeah: i'm jail bait, you are: my brown eyed girl, aww: old!school 'liza, hair: straight, jewelry: earrings, damn girl: you work that 90s fashion, jewelry: necklace, type: event, makeup: au naturale, damn girl: been gorgeous all your life, icu: looking unimpressed, 1994, wardrobe: black, damn girl: even had attitude as a kid
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Apr 07, 2010 00:35
icu: spreading that peace & love, damn girl: you are so presh, accessories: goggles, accessories: sunglasses, you are: shining brighter than the sun, crap: post is late again, hair: half down, accessories: gloves, accessories: scarf, damn girl: outdoors-y chicks are hot, wardrobe: snow pants, damn girl: work that flannel, type: candid, icu: about to go snowboarding