i accept far too many things as 'just the way things are' when did i become so complacent or have i always been and am just now noticing?
ive been reading about string theory lately, and its fitting nicely into my universal theory of everything ever (which actually has no scientific or mathematical basis at all)(or very little)
i think im much more concerned with my elegance than my day to day survival being elegant rules
20% off on good food is pretty sweet too, but i dont use my discount nearly as much as i thought i would, because whole foods is still over-priced, bastards maybe moving soon, soonish, still chicago, just a different house
quit one job, got another one my plan for a peaceful coexistence with the job market will not work, i spend too much, and i have big plans for what im going to blow money on next
but really, all i want is to go camping, all the time, forever, im sick of cement and steel and people, i need more trees and rocks in my life
im in chicago now trying to find a job and a bike but i really just want a bike fuckajob i can live comfortably/frugally for at least another month before i even have to be concerned with looking for a job because i rule at being poor, as i have lots of experience