I don't have too much time to catch up (a year's an eternity in blog-time) needless to say, shit happens, you deal and move on. So here's my moving on post
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I wish I had a better excuse for not updating, but frankly I just didn't feel like it and the couple of times I did feel like it, I realized exactly how much I had going on and realized it was all too much to put up
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Someone got my credit card number!!!!! Yeah fun for me! So I just had to close my nice and easy to remember account and open another one, and that means I'm without a credit card until Monday when the new one gets here
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Now if you'll all excuse me, after 17 straight hours of reading I'm more than slightly exhausted. I'm off to coma for the next several hours (Kahia, I can't make any promises about calling the second you get off work.....)