So it's fourth marking period of senior year.
In my mind, senior year is pretty much over. :( / :) ?
So due to my extreme boredom, let's see how the senior year goals are doing, eh?
Nothing but pennies in my pocket, nothing but fate to keep me warm. )
Comments 1
You're going to be better than fine at Ramapo. Honestly. There are so many new people to meet, don't even worry about it. You're only 18--you have an idea of what you want to be, that's better than most people and better than you need. In the words of PatMac "No stress".
I'm so glad we got to be such good friends this year too. I love hanging out with you. I'll have to make trips up to Mahwah, assuming I get into Slutgers, to have some fun with you, Kate, and Mike...and you and Mike vise-versa for me and Greeney. It's a lot easier to keep in touch these days, so "no stress".
Speaking of PatMac...after Europe, I can't really look at him the same way. I always said I'd not only fuck him in a minute, but marry him, but I can't after Europe. I just can't help but think of him as a goofy older brother figure. I love him and his nonsense.
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