Title: The Police (Episode Eight : FALLING APART) Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin Fandoms: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki. Rating: Adult. Wordcount: 5142 Warnings/Notes: Violence, very mild het content. Summary: AU. Based around a police armed response unit comprised of seven very different people. There's a new
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Title: The Police (Episode Seven : Déjà Vu) Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin Fandoms: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki. Rating: Adult. Wordcount: 3,373 Summary: AU. Based around a police armed response unit comprised of seven very different people. There's a new enemy on the streets... Can they catch him before he
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Title: The Police (Episode Six : Aftermath) Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin Fandoms: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles/OMC (played here by Sam Worthington..see icon) Rating: Adult. Wordcount: 8166 Summary: AU. Jensen's way of coping with the aftermath isn't what anyone was hoping for... Disclaimer: None
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Title: The Police (Episode Five : All In A Day's Work) Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin Fandoms: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki. Rating: Adult. Wordcount: 4,396 Warnings: Violence, death (not main character). Summary: AU. Team Three return to work and the day after the funeral proves to be very eventful indeed.
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So..we have had a couple of requests for a cast list and, really, any excuse to make a post full of pretties is a good one for me! So...without further ado...
Title: The Police (Episode Four : El Train) Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin Fandoms: Supernatural RPS Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki. Rating: Adult. Wordcount: 4,556 Summary: AU. This episode - Chris reacts to his discovery and the team deal with a violent drug addict. Warnings: Violence, death (not main character!) Disclaimer: None
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It's like a double espresso man latte, only with less espresso and latte, and more...man? I don't know. I haven't HAD my double espresso latte today, so I claim insanity.
ANYway, Evil and I thought you'd like these things. They were just hanging around, cluttering up the office. ;)