Personal DVD players are probably one of the best inventions ever, at least for flying and car rides and stuff like that. I fly so much that I went out and bought one pretty much as soon as they came out, and I'm so glad I did... I hope they helped.
well you should make sure to wear a baseball hat or something during the rides so it won't ruin your reputation. either that or only watch comedies and action movies.
See, I always get sick of reading entries like that, you know, your first paragraph, and then I write them myself. I used to be maddeningly cryptic, and I guess I still can be, but when I'm happy I just tend to put it out there in a most obnoxious way. It's hard to strike the right balance between that unadulterated giddiness and making sure people realise you actually have a job and friends and a life outside of the significant other. Well, it's hard for me, anyways. Sigh.
Oh, you get points for calling me that. I only get called that at the doctor's office or whatnot. And now that was just a lovely thing to say, you get points for that as well. You just get a bunch of points, period.
As long as it's not the 'we don't want to think of you two having sex but obviously we do if we're nominating you for this award haha isn't that funny of us!' award. But awards are never a goal, of course. Just a nice fringe benefit ;-)
I may just have to make my way to OZ soon. I enjoyed spending time with you and Bri. I thought I could get drink, you aussie bastard, you could drink me under the table and that's just not right.
Comments 272
The 'stache, my god, I hated it. The day the film ended I shaved the fucker off.
To be quite proud of ones self.
example: I just had my first backshot experience, i'm so chuffed!
So that means you wouldn't consider growing one back after you're done filming? Maybe just for a week or so?
Really murders my image, y'know?
You should try the barbies in Melbourne.
Or maybe you're just going for another "Rawr" award for next year. Hmmmm.
As long as it's not the 'we don't want to think of you two having sex but obviously we do if we're nominating you for this award haha isn't that funny of us!' award. But awards are never a goal, of course. Just a nice fringe benefit ;-)
I think the awards are funny. It makes me sad that so many people take them so seriously.
Have a safe flight home my friend.
And remember, even Brits by choice can't compete with an Aussie by birth at drinking.
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