Hey everybody! I'm back. Let me tell ya what has gone on in my life... (ps I DO have one) MY mother thinks I need to get rid of my unheathly obssession with neopets. Like, not play it as much. I think that means LJ too. I got yelled at several times (go figure) And I mizz my friendsh!
I'm so not awake. At least I don't have double vision anymore!!! :D Yah yah yah yah Is there anyone out there cauz it's gettin harder and harder to breath! Sorrry I luff this song.
I have been alone for...an hour. Boo hoo I miss everyone. o_O grrrrrr I need Haley or Erin or Mawi or Lauren...I'm all alone, there's noone here be-SIde me...
I'm up, thanks to my brother. He was on the computer playing pinball. He's not ALLOWED to play games on the computer because he's grounded. I was like, I DON'T have time for this, because when he turned it off he said "Oh, I guess I'll just sit here...la di da". So I flipped him off the chair. I'm soooo bad!