Dec 13, 2003 08:58
Ish confuzzled. Why isn't Erin adding me? We're best neofriends...*droop* mayb she doesn't remember my s/n. Ish that it???
Dec 13, 2003 08:52
Yay yipee! I made 2 new icons! Check 'em out!
Dec 13, 2003 08:41
i am changing my LJ to friends only. My email is monkey_chica905@cox-internet.com so friends email me.
Dec 13, 2003 08:39
I ish off to make more icons. Buh-bye
Dec 13, 2003 08:32
I finally figured out how to use the mood things! With no help! Whooopdedoo I am SOOOOO smart!
Dec 13, 2003 08:29
Okay, I have a problemo!!! Why does neopets think that they can do this to us? We get sooo excited about the Rod of Supernova and then...
But as you reach to get it, the Pant Devil snatchs it up and runs away!
Grrrrrrrr SOmeday I shall get my revenge.
Dec 12, 2003 20:44
Whoopee! I've made *checks list* 3 new friends. The thing is,they're all Soupies, just like me. So if I asked you to be my friend today, you are a soupie. And I'm halo_bunny39 at neopets. So you know me! Don't be scared.
Okay, be scared. Most people are.
Dec 12, 2003 17:29
mood: Hyper
Whoop-de-dooo!!!!!!! I am so hyper today. I don't know why! Maybe because of Christmas??? Mood: Festive
Hee hee I luv prezzies!
Dec 12, 2003 17:14
I just started this and it's really fun! This is like crazt thou...
Dec 12, 2003 17:08
Haley sayz...*snowflake*[font c=cornflowerblue s=3 f=arial]Undeniably, I luff snow. It makes me crazy! Except when I have to ski in it...
Well, today my teacher said it'll probably snow about 40 inches where we live. So I am jumping up and down!
Shout out to haleyhuggles!!!! Its me Haley from the boards![/font]