Thu, 16:33: RT @ RogueSNRadvisor: So far during Comey hearing staff have taken 4 cellphones and 1 iPad away from Pres; he just can't help himself, he ha…
Sun, 15:03: Christ Hayden Christensen was so fucking horrible as Anakin Skywalker. What George Lucas thought when casting him, I don't know. #lucastroll
Fri, 21:18: RT @ brianklaas: Days before dropping to 35% approval rating: Obama: Never W Bush: 1,927 Clinton: Never HW Bush: 1,278 Reagan: Never Carter…
Thu, 16:36: @ ODOT_Columbus Idea-why don't you just help alleviate the traffic increase at 161 and Hamilton Rd by paving absurd 1/4 mile of lane merged?
Sun, 01:38: Well, my predictions of #CrewSC loss were half-baked but hopefully this tasty #CrowPie is fully cooked. A nice win, first in 4 years v #PTFC