Well, guys. It's been forever. Ten weeks is a small eternity in Internet Time, yes? Somehow I... just fell out of the habit, I dunno. Long stories, longer trails of thought and consequence stemming off from those. But eventually I felt I needed to fight past the waves of guilt-over-not-posting I felt every time I logged into LJ (yes, I've been
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Comments 16
I had to 100% SS at least twice, as my cousins had the habit of trying to play the games when they went round to my Grandmother's, and they would only put the games half-in so that the data was somehow wiped. I went beserk when I lost my DKC2 save that way.
See them fade away.
However, nothing could compare to playing the games on the original console. I would love to be able to play my favourite games on a nice, large television with the SNES hooked up. Though, I'd also love replay on the SNES just to see if any of my old save files still exist! I don't think mine would ever be 100% complete, as I was never a patient gamer at that age, but I remember a glitch in one save slot on Secret of Mana where the main boy turned into a snowman and forever disappeared. It's files like that one that I'd love to load up again.
Thanks for coming back. ^^
So basically... we can be sympathy buddies or something? ^^;;
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