I've always wondered -- if you have been recovering for a long time (say 3+ years), have the thoughts in your head ever died down or gone away? I'm referring to the thoughts or "voice" in your head that might say you're too big, you need to restrict or fast, you can't eat more than a certain number of calories otherwise you'll gain weight, etc
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Comments 15
I don't know about anyone else, but the appeal of an ED is gone, even if the thoughts return. It doesn't seem like it would be comforting or solve any problems, even as thoughts are saying otherwise. That's probably the most difficult thing for me right now.
I don't think with EDs there's ever such a thing as total full "true" recovery-for-ever-and-ever ... like your ED is always lying dormant and the odd little flicker comes up when your defences are down (like when you're stressed or triggered). But over time your defences against the ED get stronger and the voice gets weaker until you can almost forget you were ever ill.
I read a book recently called "Lying in Weight", all about EDs throughout a woman's lifetime, and it had a lot of very interesting info.
I still don't know if I would label myself as "recovered" so much as "in recovery". . . but I also kind of don't care about the label anymore.
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