Hello, I'm back again, with another question, again mainly born out of just morbid curiosity.
I was wondering, if you are eating disordered, what is your relationship with numbers?
I often find myself 'blaming numbers' for the development and continuation of my ED. I’m not sure how ridiculous/rare this is, or if it even makes any sense.
Some points about my ED/relationship with numbers- I don't think it could be a trigger but I'm a terrible judge of these things so just to be safe... )
Comments 39
Anyway, that said, I have a fixation with numbers - calories, obviously, but mainly the date and the time; I'm very aware that I look at clocks when they display the same hour and minute 12.12, 14.14 etc.
OCD wise, I have for many years 'completed the check list' of touching/looking at wood whilst reciting the names of those that I love.
Still function day-to-day though, this isn't going to win.
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I don't care about numbers either way - I'm neither fantastic nor terrible at math. But when my eating habits were so focused on the calories and such, you bet your ass I was keeping track of every single calorie, down to how many were in a mint. Nowadays, it's mainly around my weight - I have to calm myself down if it goes up an ounce or two. :|
I still gotta work on the weight thing. If I see it go up by two pounds, I wind up going on a fast before I realize it's even happening. I gotta work on not going into panic mode.
Weirdly i am not at all good at maths!
I think it's common to be like this with numbers, but your reaction to numbers (like the length of the song on your ipod) seems to me (just on the basis of what i know) to be a quite extreme case of it.
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