Characters: Fugue (
fugue_angel), Moon (
pretecorrotto), and Elsa (
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 30th, midday
Location: The Silent Hillderness
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The elevator has decided that it is Adventure Time for Fugue, Moon, and Elsa into the depths of Silent Hill.
Running into the dark underground/All the subways around create a great sound/To my motion fatigue: farewell )
Comments 22
This was going to go bad. She could feel it. And when it came down to it, was she going to be able to protect the two of them? Even one? Moon seemed a sensible enough sort, but Fugue...she wasn't at all sure about him.
When the sirens rose through the air, she had to resist lying down and putting her paws over her nose as she whimpered. As it was, she didn't quite keep from the whimpering part, but the sound was likely lost to the eerie noise in the air.
At least, she hoped it was.
When the sirens died down, everything changed. She stared every sense stretching and making her fully aware that the world was different. If she'd thought the Wilderness was bad before ( ... )
The walls were lined with doors, but Fugue ignored them: He didn't know what could be lurking inside, and he didn't want to know. His tongue went over chapped lips nervously as he ran the beam over the floor, the ceiling, the walls... the protrusions coming out of them. They looked like handles of some sort, and before he thought better of it, he grasped one nearby and pulled. It came out easily enough, though the wall seemed to bleed through the hole that was made, the weeping growing louder. Fugue gazed upon the bloodied knife he pulled out of the wall, and his innards heaved ( ... )
Then the 'nurses' appeared and the whole scenario changed. She nearly recoiled at the sight and scent of them-they weren't the sort of monster she could approve of-and again at the sound of Moon's gonne. What the hell was something like that doing here?
Questions for another time. She leapt upon one of the nurses immediately and faced little resistance as she ripped her-its-throat out, nearly gagging at the taste. It wasn't the sort of blood held inside any living thing.
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