Jack caught his first mouse! I am so chuffed. I heard a scuffling in the hall and went out to have a look. The hall was dark and I thought it was just a leaf [as usual- very proud of his leaf capture skills is jack]. But no, it was a little wriggly mouse. I moved to get it off him to chuck out the window - I'm proud of his newly attained hunter
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Comments 7
Anyway my mum saw the mouse around our living room curtains and flew in to scoop up our cat to stop the mouse being hurt and so we could catch it and chuck it out. So she got coco and put her in the kitchen and started looking for this mouse but couldn't find it anywhere.
However she noticed that instead of scratching at the door to get in, Coco was running around next door in the kitchen... when she picked up the cat to save the mouse it turns out the mouse was in her gob hehe.
Anyway we managed to get the mouse out... unharmed :) I dunno what it is with coco but she never 'rips' things apart. Just likes them all alive, alert and scared to death so she can play. As soon as they stop moving she loses interest.
We used to live in norfolk right next to fields and regularly in the summer our cats would come in and dump a wee mouse in the living room and then it was all hands on deck to close and lock and cushion seal the three doors off the living room before the mouse scurried away- [the gaps under the doors were quite big so we'd have to stuff them with cushions]. It was great fun.
Last summer she brought in a frog whos guts were hanging out A LITTLE, and instead of being gutsy (excuse the pun) enough to kill the poor thing I just put it back in the pond and checked back everyday to see more of its guts seeping out and swelling (it tormented me) :(( eventually it 'disappeared'
She's also brought in many fledglings, one of which had this weird big tumour/growth on its wing, I felt really bad about that too, but dad was like NO NO ITS NATURE PUT IT OUTSIDE, ITS CRUEL BUT ITS NATURE!
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