First of all,
heptadecagram and
red_lynx *smooches* both of you.
rionnkelly Your Score: Choosy Brain
Your brains craves 58 % Exploration, 44 % Affiliation, 52 % Recreation and 41 % Sensation
We have determined that you have a Choosy Brain. Not just any kind of stimulation will do for your brain. Choosy brains like your's choose Exploration above all other forms of stimulation.
Above Average System: Exploration
Our Exploration system helps us to organize our searching and learning behaviors. If you are trying to look for an object or new information then the Exploration system is helping you out. When it gets properly stimulated then you will feel emotions such as curiosity and inquisitiveness.
Secondary Systems: Affiliation, Recreation & Sensation
Our Affiliation system helps us to organize our bonding and connecting behaviors. If you are strengthening your relationship with someone then your Affiliation system is helping you out. When it gets properly stimulated you will feel that you are loved and that you belong.
Our Recreation system helps us to organize our playing, joking and goofing around behaviors. Whenever you are trying to play a game or let go from the stresses of the day your Recreation system is helping you out. When it gets properly activated you feel a sense of relaxed jubilation and carefree optimism.
Our Sensation system helps us to organize our sexual arousal and pleasure seeking behaviors. This is one of the smoothest running systems in the brain, easily capable of fading in the background as it operates. When it gets properly activated your can feel the chemistry between yourself and another person.
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The Optimal Stimulation Test written by
alexandertru on
OkCupid, home of the
The Dating Persona Test Have started with another 'life skills' cult - this one is "Getting Things Done". Less uplifting and cutesy than "FlyLady", and of more general use. Less structured than Franklin/Covey - afaict less of a commercial industry, too, but give it time. Not trying to implement the full system (my WHOLE HOUSE is my f*ing 'inbox')!!! but it's helping so far. It's probably not a life-changer, but it might be a useful tool to bootstrap my self back to functional when my day-to-day struggle with chronic low-level depression knocks me down and takes my wallet again...
For one thing, it got me to dig out of six months of e-mail and re-commit to the O2B2 web page (which I haven't updated since June or so...). Have apologiced to the BoD about my dropping the ball, and let them know that if they want to draft someone else to do it I will understand. Feel better for doing that much at least...
Have got to figure out exactly what I'm supposed to do for the MS Walk (yes,
werewulf, you sent me the info... now I've got to follow up).