hey, i need to ask you for advice. i've decided i'm going to get braces on my teeth, both for (mainly) aesthetics and health. i'm 23, so i'm quite nervous about it (the whole "adult wearing braces" stigma). do any of you wear braces too? i'll get the most discrete ones, but still.... i know it's perfectly normal and not so ucommon anymore (i
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i'm sad. very sad. it's no wonder i'm a fucked up depressive bulimic who hates herself and can't stop hurting herself. i'm not trying to blame my mum. she really loves me and i love her as much. but her ignorance hurts me. i've always been fat in her eyes. she doesn't understand depression. every time i'm depressed she asks me what she can do to
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i miss my friends in the uk. i really really really do. i'm so sad and miserable. i know i should be happy to be back with my loving family, in lovely sunny Spain, but the truth is i'm not. sorry, but i'm depressed and upset. my uk friends were so amazing. i knew that before i left, and i know it even more now. i do have friends here, but we've
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shit, fuck, bugger, bollocks!!! right, b/p today, while my parents had gone to their "daily walk in the park" (oh, bless them and their sweet innocence!)- i'm such a fucking hypocrite (mainly to myself, though
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I'm so fucking pissed off with myself. I hate myself so much. I've been b/p everyday for the last week. Weheey!! I fooled myself that it was like a "farewell thing" becasue on Monday I'm moving back home with my family and there's no way I can b/p there, at least not with the "freedom" I can do it here (where I live with just my flatmates). How can
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