Answer my question: (post a comment as response, strangers welcomed)
If there was one thing in this world right now that you could do what would that one thing be?
If I was able to be invisible, right now I would do that. I would go to my house and mess with my cat Ani, for sometime as she needs friend and a playmate more than I acknowledge
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Comments 12
AHHH... I don't want to know about invisible jism... that freaks me out. I already stay away from the visable stuff...
Oh and Bridget. . .it's a crocodile.
Hopefully bodily fluids would be included in your invisibleness. Seeing only two wads of semen floating around with a glob of saliva a couple feet above them would remove some of the benefit of your camouflage. And being that you are what you eat, I would hope newly ingested food be considered part of you and become invisible as well.
But are you aware that being invisible would make you blind? Your invisible eyeball lenses could not focus light onto your invisible retinas.
Nice one SAT instructor. huh? Thanks for totally rocking our shit on NYE. I had the worst attitude before the show. You guys went on and I was still fuming, mostly from sadomasichism guy in front, but once I heard you bellow out the numbers 123456789, my whole perspective changed and I was really really happy. Almost bi-polar low to high, and no I had not one drink until 11:30pm. We will have to tour together one day.
I too had a negative attitude at the beginning of the show. Among other things, I was a little on edge from not being able to have a drink and from having the play inside a split shift at Papa John's. And we didn't have a strong start. But I went back to work with a smile on my face.
I was disappointed to miss the other performances. I heard from at least a couple people that you gave your best show to date. Jeremy was happy with his response. I still haven't seen the Sleeves, though, and I really wanted to.
Thanks for the opportunity.
If invisible.....I like the pet theme- always wondered what Koda does on his occasional neighborhood forays. I'd have my invisible bike ready and follow him.
I'd also turn a boom box invisible and show up at random events and supermarkets, playing "house of Love" really loud.
I'd leave little boquets of flowers on the pillows of my sleeping neices
Love you much.
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