Sep 19, 2003 13:21
Just so you know - today is talk like a pirate day! Yarr!
Aug 20, 2003 12:04
Just testing my new LJ client... I think I like this one much better than the one I used to use.. ^^;;
moving stuff from one computer to another is fun.. x_x
Aug 16, 2003 23:49
So.. one of my icons in my other journal is of the Lulu group - and I posted some Otakon pics using that icon.. a comment I got:
"::poke:: i take note of your icon. do you know any of these guys? or did you just find them amusing? cuz i saw them last year and if you know them can you let them know that they disturbed me."
Jun 05, 2003 10:26
I hate how I have so much work to do at home for my projects, but I just sit here in my classes doing absolutely nothing.. >_<
oh well.. Calc final next period.. wish me luck! ^^;
Jun 01, 2003 06:58
Yup. Still haven't gone to bed yet... x_x I'll post a real update.. uh.. later? ^^;;
May 31, 2003 16:03
I feel pretty.. I like sitting here dancing to songs that I like, but I know I won't hear at prom...
pictures later.. after the actual dance =P
May 27, 2003 20:19
So... um.. I don't remember who I've told or not..
Thursday, May 29th is my last band concert at school.. We're doing some senior recognition and other stuff like that and it would really mean a lot to me if any one who could come, did.. that's all =)
Thursday, May 29th. 7:30pm. LHS.