Title: Wait and See (11/?)
Pairing Heechul x Sulli (Henry x Amber. Hangeng x Heechul)
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Super Junior, F(x), SHINee, and anyone one else in this story are under contract with SM not with me.
Summary: ...Because a 28 year old can't enter into a relationship with a 16 year old without some repercussions.
Prologue - .
Do It Chu~!Previous Chapters -
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10Chapter 11
It was funny. She had been trying for weeks to find the perfect opportunity to ask him the question and now, in the middle of an argument, it just slipped. She couldn't help it. He was driving her crazy and the words came out on their own.
It couldn't wait another moment. She had to know.
"Do you even like me?"
There was a silence that hung in the air and she took that as his answer. He didn't even have the decency to look at her and instead opted to stare at the ceiling, an annoyed expression across that stupid porcelin face that she at the moment desperately wanted to crush and at the same time cradle.
She waited on the off chance he would actually face this like a man and face her like she was a woman and just tell her something, anything! But he wouldn't. What was he so afraid of? He couldn't be afraid of hurting her because that's exactly what the silence did. Was he really that cruel?
"I understand," Sulli spoke, taking a deep breathe to steady herself and keep herself from crying. She didn't want to do that, not in front of him. Not when he obviously didn't care. She couldn't give him the satisfaction.
But he decided at time to look at her with his deep brown eyes, not a single emotion stirring in its depths and she had to blink hard to keep back the tears.
"I understand," she said again. "You don't have to say anything."
And she meant it because anything he could say now other than the three magic words would mean nothing. Yet he spoke.
"Sulli, It's just..."
She heard it in his voice: pity. She didn't want his pity. She didn't want to be looked down on. When would he understand that?
"I'm a kid, I understand. Old enough to mess around with but that's all," she was surprised even by her own boldness, and her voice sounded foreign in her ears.
She saw the expression on his face change slightly but there was no hope as the only thing to escape his lips was a horrible laugh that only confirmed her fears.
"Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you?"
"Actually it is," he replied, cooly, putting to words ever single one of her fears. "I'm so fucking stupid to ever get involved with you."
His words were like daggers into her heart, twisting and destroying everything there.
"What the hell was I thinking?"
She could barely believe it as his words rained down onto her ears. The last bit of her resolve began to crack. She couldn't hold back now.
"What's done is done and you're no Hankyung."
Sulli's eyes widened.
"I was stupid to make the comparison!"
And with that she snapped. She didn't want to believe it that she was decieved and played with so cheaply. But the proof was there right out of his very own mouth. This man that she gave all her trust in had played her so pitifully. She wanted to scream.
"I hate you!"
The words flew out without her even thinking and she bolted forward, hands in fists, ready unleash her frustrations, but even that was foiled. He grabbed her by the wrist and his touch was warm. She wanted to melt into him. She wanted him to comfort her but how could he when he was the source of her sorrow!
Pulling away she tried to head to the door but her eyes were so blinded by tears she fell to the floor. She didn't want him to see her this way. She didn't want to cry. She was only making herself look more like a kid and that was exactly the image she was trying to avoid.
But there was no helping it, the tears were falling and the choked sobs followed afterward. She felt his hands again on her shoulders but she pressed herself against the wall to get away from him.
"Don't touch me!" she wanted to scream, but all she could do was sob loudly.
Why wouldn't he go away? He didn't like her so why was he trying to torture her by staying around any longer? Wasn't he satisfied seeing her undone? She pressed her body further into the wall and he seemed to get the hint as she felt the warmth of his hands retract.
There were no other words, not even a good bye as Heechul left the room. Sulli stayed as she was, sobbing and crying into her knees against the wall. She had to gather herself, she knew. It would do no good for any of the others in the company to see her in that state but she couldn't gather the strength.
She didn't know how long she sat there but atleast she finally stopped crying. With a sniff she wipped her eyes and nose with the sleeve of her hoody and stared at the wall opposite of her. What was next? Would she tell Amber? It was a shame especially after she finally got Amber's backing on the matter. What would be her reaction?
Sulli looked down at her wrist, bringing the sleeve of her hoody up a little to look at her watch. She had to get going soon. She didn't want to worry the others. She stood and left the room and went to the bathroom to wash her face. The signs of her crying were still a bit there. Her eyes were a bit puffy, red and tired looking but there wasn't much she could do about that right then. Ignoring the pangs in her heart she went back towards the practice rooms.
Unfortunately what she found was not what she expected.
"What's going on?" she asked as she entered the room to see Amber sitting on the ground with Krystal, Luna and Jungmo, Taemin, Onew and Key crowded around her.
They looked over at her but before anyone replied Victoria came back in with the SM nurse in tow.
"What's this?" the nurse asked.
"It looks like a sprain," Jungmo said, standing up and making room for the nurse to kneel beside Amber. The others made room too while Victoria got closer.
"Oh my gosh," Sulli went running up as well.
Sure enough Amber was sitting with a pained expression on her face. Her sock and shoe was off and her foot was really starting swell up badly.
"What happened?" the nurse asked.
"We were practicing Mr. Boogie when I landed wrong and I fell," Amber said with a shrug, wincing a bit when the nurse poked her.
"Is she going to be ok?" Victoria asked.
"Well... I can't say right now but we should move her down to the infirmary," the nurse said. She looked over at the males in the room. "Could one of you fellows help me?"
Jungmo nodded and he helped Amber to her feet.
"Be careful not to apply any pressure to the foot," the nurse directed.
"Can we come too?" Luna asked.
"Only Victoria and Jungmo first," the nurse said. "Victoria will let you ladies know when you can come down. The room is only but soo big after all."
The others watched and the nurse, Victoria, Jungmo and Amber disappeared out the door.
"Wow that looked like it really hurt," Krystal said.
Luna nodded, "I hope she'll be ok."
"It's right before your comeback too," pointed out Key.
"That doesn't matter right now," Luna said. "Anyway, thanks for staying with us while we waited for Victoria to come back."
"No problem," Key shrugged. "We weren't really doing much anyway."
"Yeah we had a meeting and now we're about done," Taemin admitted.
"Well," Krystal sat down on one of the metal foldable chairs in the room. "I guess that's practice for us now too."
"We can stay until you find out what's up," Onew said.
Everyone sat down on the floor, since Krystal was in the only chair in the room. Taemin sat down by Sulli who was leaning against the mirror and subconsciously she turned her body slightly away from him. It wasn't that she disliked him but he was kind of part of what went wrong with her and Heechul anyway.
'Stop making excuses. Whether Taemin oppa is there or not, Heechul doesn't like you and will never like you,' Sulli thought sadly.
"You look like you've had a bad day," Taemin said.
Sulli shrugged indifferently, "Yeah well, Amber's injured. That'll do it?"
She pulled her legs to her chest and laid her head on her knees. Taemin didn't say anything but suddenly she felt a hand on hers. She tensed, looking down to see his hand on hers on the floor. She looked at him confused and he sent her a slight smile.
"Oppa?" she said.
"Ah, the love birds are at it again!" Key exclaimed, pointing at Sulli and Taemin.
Taemin quickly retracted his hand.
"What? Hyung!" Taemin protested.
"Oppa, stop being so immature. Are you jealous Taemin has a girlfriend before you?" Krystal cut in.
"It's not like that!" Taemin said. "We're just friends, right Sulli?"
Sulli nodded back numbly.
Onew and the others fell into leisurely chatter and after a few minutes Sulli decided she needed to take a walk. Between worrying about Amber and thinking about Heechul the environment was stifling.
"Luna, message me if any news comes up ok?" Sulli said before leaving the room.
She walked down the hall, passing the breakroom along the way. She didn't want to even look in there. She was sure that atmosphere would be even worse than the dance room. She finally decided on going onto the roof. She climbed the stairs and entered the roof area, happy to find it unoccupied.
She took leaned a shoulder on the fence as she looked down on the street. It wasn't even lunch time yet but the day already seemed long. Where was she to go from here? Well, of course there was Amber's injury. Hopefully that would be enought to keep her thoughts from straying to Heechul. It hurt her heart.
"I really trusted you..."
The door to the roof slammed open and Sulli turned to regard the newcomer. It was Taemin, with a bright smile on his face. He waved but she didn't bother waving back. Instead she turned back to observing the street below. Taemin joined her.
"Want to talk about it?" he asked, after a moment of silence.
Sulli said nothing.
"Obviously something's bothering you. We're friends right? You can tell me anything."
"Oppa...," Sulli started, looking over at Taemin finally with wide and sad eyes. "Why can't you just leave me alone? Don't you see I kind of don't want to be bothered right now."
"I can't leave you alone," he said.
"Why not? We're just friends right?"
"That's exactly why," Taemin replied, fingers clenching around the chain link fence protecting them from plumetting many stories to the ground. "We've been pretty close for a while now. It's you and Heechul hyung, right? You're a couple... am I right?"
"What... how did you--?... I mean, no it's..." Sulli stammered.
"So I was right?" Taemin said with a slight smile.
Sulli blushed.
"Don't misunderstand," Taemin said. "I didn't plan to say anything but...Because we're friends and I really think I understand what you're going through if you would just talk to me."
"What makes you think you understand?" Sulli asked.
"Because... I...," Taemin paused a little, a slight blush decorating his cheek. "I'm actually in a relationship with an older person too and because I know how it is I kind of suspected something for a while... but yesterday in the hallway Heechul was acting really strangely and then you were too at the cafe. Then this morning Heechul hyung was in a bad mood and now you..."
Sulli stopped him there, eyes downcast, "Oppa, I appreciate your concern but... but we're over now."
Taemin's eyes widened, "Oh no. Was it because of me? I didn't mean to make it look like we were--"
Sulli shook her head, "No. It's ok. It would have ended whether we were 'dating' or not."
Sulli took in a deep breathe, pausing a moment so as to stop the tears that were threatening to spill just at the memory.
"Sulli..." Taemin said, coming closer and touching a hand to her shoulder.
"He said he doesn't like me. It was just a game to him. I'm... I'm just a cheap replacement to Hankyung but... but.."
Something in Sulli threatened to break at that point and Taemin sensing the signs threw his arms around the girl.
"But... I still... really like him." she finished, breaking into a sob.
Taemin held Sulli as she cried into his shoulder. He didn't understand. Heechul had seemed to be really upset about the thought that Sulli was possibly with him. Why would he be so upset if he didn't really like the girl. It didn't make sense, and yet the signs were right there. Sulli was crying as if her heart had been ripped out of her, and knowing Heechul and his way with words it might as well had been ripped out. he rubbed her back, soothing her the best way he could. He thought he would be able to give some advice. Did he really just only come in time to sweet up some peices?
Taemin vowed there must be more to the story then there seemed.
The finally parted with Sulli apologizing for crying on him.
"Oppa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to but nobody really knows about us and I just... you're the first person I have been able to talk to other than Amber," Sulli said, dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve. "And Amber didn't agree with this. She was right."
"Don't say that," Taemin said. "You couldn't have knownn it would be like this."
Sulli nodded and sniffed.
"Ne, Oppa," she looked at him with a grateful expression. "Thank you for lending your shoulder."
"It's the least I can do."
"Uhm... Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"What is it?"
"Who is your older girlfriend?"
Taemin chuckled. He should have known the question would come. "I'll only tell you since I found out about yours. It's only fair."
Sulli nodded.
Taemin smiled sheepishly, "And it's older boyfriend actually... I'm dating Jungmo."
Sulli gasped, but whatever she was about to say got interuppted by Taemin's phone ringing. He answered it.
"Hello? Yes, she's here."
He handed Sulli the phone.
"Hello? Hey Luna!... Oh? You called my phone? I'm so sorry!.... What!? The hospital? Ok I'm coming down now. Meet you in the lobby."
Sulli hung up the phone and passed it back to Taemin, a worried look on her face.
"Amber's being taken to the hospital so I have to go now. Thank you."
She hugged Taemin once more before leaving the roof. When Taemin came down from the roof he stopped by the snack room to get a soda from the vending machine and found Jungmo sitting in there.
"Hey, hyung," Taemin greeted.
Jungmo smiled, standing up and walking over to where Taemin was selecting a drink and patted his head.
"So, were you right about Sulli and Heechul hyung?" he asked.
Taemin nodded, bending down to get the cola he just purchased.
"Except it's a bit more complicated then I thought. He broke her heart, hyung."
Jungmo said nothing, though his face held a thoughtful expression. Suddenly he spotted something on the floor near the machine.
"What's this?" he beant down to pick it up.
"That's Sulli's phone," Taemin noted, taking it from his boyfriend and slipping it into his pocket. "I'll give it back to her later."
Super Junior practice went by without incident, but around lunch time break, Yunho stopped by for a chat.
Heechul, Donghae, Sungmin and Yunho were the only ones left in the room because the others went out for lunch.
"Yeah and Amber's in the hospital," Yunho was saying to them as they ate their quick lunches in the corner of the danceroom.
"What?" Donghae asked, looking concerned.
"A sprained ankle," Yunho nodded. "Changmin heard it from SHINee and none of the girls are in the building. I'm assuming they went with her."
"Oh no that's horrible," Donghae said, sadly.
"Yeah, they were preparing their comeback too and an injury like that can take months to heal," Sungmin said.
"Maybe Siwon can say a prayer for them before we start back with our practice," Donghae concluded with a nod and a smile.
Heechul listened to the conversation quietly. How was Sulli? She was probably with Amber worrying her pretty little head off. He really wanted to ask how she was but it really wouldn't be appropriate would it?
'Well, we're collegues first, right?' Heechul convinced himself as he slipped his phone out of his pocket to write up a mail.
"Heard about Amber. Take care, kekeke," he wrote before deleting the message entirely without sending it.
"Donghae, let me see your phone," Heechul demanded, snatching Donghae's phone.
"Hey!" Donghae protested.
Heechul ignored it and typed in the message from Donghae.
"Heard about Amber. Take care, kekeke." and sent it.
To be continued...
AN hope it wasnt OOC. thanks for reading comments are appreciated