i dont know what to do. my head says no. my heart says yes. what a classic cliche. sickening really. it's like im stuck in this pathetic helpless little bubble between yes and no. unfortunatly i cant have it both ways. it's a black and white situation. ugh. males.
people are funny. its like they are in their own little world. what if everything you thought you did so secretly and subltly was actually not that subtle at all. people notice more than you think. we are observant creatures. on the other hand, some of us are so oblivious that we dont even realize that we almost got hit by that car.
so i was just looking through my old posts and i was definitly drunk in my last post casue i dont remember putting it there. but i kind of do remember it. i think i was at simeon's dorm. OH and i met tyrone from the uwm basketball team. take that biotches
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i think its highly unusual how people fall in love in movies so quickly. do you think that ever happens in real life? i know the answer, just wondering if you do.
i have decided that i am never going to become a nun. no matter what i do in life, where i go, i will not ever in my existance in this life time, become a nun
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