Title: All The Months After
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating: R-18 (NSFW)
Summary: De-anon for
this prompt on
clampkink. Kurogane has ways of dealing with pain, but Fay's way might be more fun. Worst summary ever. Kurogane/Fay genderswap fic.
All The Months After )
Comments 11
Oh, it's just as gorgeous re-reading it (over and over) again as it was the first time. I love this parallel world, and I lovelovelove how you've reworked this pairing from a femslash angle.
Because this is sexy and loving and beautiful and I love every single bit of it, even Fai licking her fingers clean (which seemed to gather a bit of controversy over on the meme; I am so glad you did not edit out of this in the de-anoning process because it just fits), and this is the sexiest lesbian sex I have read in some time. Which is a little depressing, considering the contents of the queer room bookshelves at uni contains three volumes of lesbian erotica and this blows them completely out of the water, and yet not, because this blows them completely out of the water. Excuse me while I go and fetch some tissues for me bleeding nose. <3
Thank you so much for writing this, and de-anoning it too; it was so great to read the first time and only gets better the second time around <3
Gosh, I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! I'm just pretty much flailing like an idiot after reading your comment - thank you so much! <3 Ahahaha, I'm afraid I'm shameless enough that it didn't actually occur to me to edit out the blood-licking, but I'm really glad that didn't bother you. :DDD
And I'm holding you entirely responsible for that fact that I can't stop listening to Florence and the Machine now! Every time I took five-minutes down-time today, I was all, 'Yay, play it again, again, again!' <3
Yay! Inducing flail with my fangirling comments is always a highlight <3 I, ahem, may have been the one over on the kinkmeme that said it didn't bother her and fit in with the whole "lesbian vampire" thing. *coughs and looks sideway* It's taboo, certainly, but if your characters are blood-bonded and sharing body fluids anyway, what difference does it make...? *shrugs*
YAY MORE FLORENCE LOVE!! The album is so good, isn't it? <3 I'm glad I could encourage you to listen to it~! *glomp*
The album is awesome. I've only downloaded the one so far, but sleep's been low the last couple of days, and it's been so nice just kind of taking little breaks to close my eyes and listen to amazing music.
Holy smokes, that was you? *flails* I was the first non-OP anon reader.
I love fem!Kuro and fem!Fai and fem!KuroFai. So much.
I mentioned it once and I'll say it again - I really like how you had it occur in a gender-switch canon AU. Their awesomeness and their relationship is still there and the fact that they're at peace and can be with each other is lovely.
I also have to say that after re-reading this, I take back my initial viewpoint on Fai licking off Kurogane's menstruated blood.
Thank you so much for your comment on the kink meme, and then taking the time again here! Ahaha, I'm totally in love with femmeslash!Kurofai too, and it was fun writing this, so I'm really happy you liked it! :DD
And, hey, like I said on the meme, I do understand that the blood-licking isn't everybody's cup of tea - but I'm also glad it didn't bother you re-reading it here. <3 Thank you again!
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