Every school has its drama - even lily white South Buffalo schools. We also have meetings every Friday. The "barkeep" pours the pitcher when we enter the bar. It really helps to unite the staff which makes it easier to be a team when fighting the drama.
Can't wait to see Alex's pictures. I will be in Florida when you come home in March. You better post pictures.
As far as getting old - you guys will always be younger as long as you want to feel young. Paula turned 50 the beginning of February and I will be 55 on Monday - we are driving to Florida - ROAD TRIP!!!! You are as young as you feel.
I'm glad you're starting to get the teaching thing under your belt! Some days I wish there were a bar near where I work! I'm glad all the wedding preparations are going well. We should try and meet up the next time you come home, I think Brett's trying to come home then too. That might be a good time to give me an idea of what music you'd like for your ceremony, if you'd like any preludes before while people are being seated, exit music, etc. :-)
this is what I have in mind. I still have to call and see how much it is, but it looks like it will be comfy in the middle of the summer and I like the sparklies. It would be in blue, not orange. Plus, the sleeve size allows for regular bra wearage
Good to hear from you! I agree with the Drama and the fact that the system sucks. Which is why I got out of education. It took over a year for me to get my son and IEP. The first time they tested him he was supposedly academically on grade level. Come to find out, the standardized test is normed, not for California, but for the entire country. So if he were going to school in the mid-west he'd be on grade level but because the state standards in California are higher he was failing miserably but still didn't qualify for any additional services.
I think that every job has some type of drama...I'm out of teaching but we have drama talking to customers over the phone. It's important to find a way to destress from it. Exercise is a good way too. :)
Comments 12
Can't wait to see Alex's pictures. I will be in Florida when you come home in March. You better post pictures.
As far as getting old - you guys will always be younger as long as you want to feel young. Paula turned 50 the beginning of February and I will be 55 on Monday - we are driving to Florida - ROAD TRIP!!!! You are as young as you feel.
I'm going to miss you by a day or two over spring break; mine is the week before that.
Congrats to your little sister! I'm glad to see her taking some responsibility. :) Good for her.
Let me know about dresses, ma'am. It's moving in closer to the date. Eek.
this is what I have in mind. I still have to call and see how much it is, but it looks like it will be comfy in the middle of the summer and I like the sparklies. It would be in blue, not orange. Plus, the sleeve size allows for regular bra wearage
If you really hate it, let me know
I'm glad to hear your son is doing better, though :)
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