Title: After the Crossroad - The Sunshine's Pathway
Genre: fluff, angsty-fluff?
Length: 3-shot
Word count: 8,316
Pairing: SoulMate aka JaeChun, slight YooSu (BFF), slight YooMin?
Rating: PG for swear words.
Disclaimer: not mine in real life, *sad*
Others in the series:
Sunshine at the Crossroad,
After the Crossroad - The Angel's Pathway A/N: the 2nd
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Comments 46
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i love this!!!! i tell you i tell you i love this!!!!
*kiss you passionately*
oh oh i love the relationship bff between yunjae and yoosu.. its so different.. yunjae is like this and yoosu is like that... for first time i dont know how to explained!!!
little changmin is cute *pinch his little cheeks*
yoochun got feeling to an adult Jaejoong!! ♥.♥
update sooonnnn!!!
thank you so much for commenting *__* i always love reading your comment, thank you for telling me how you felt, it made me very happy ^^ *big hugs*
just like jae got feeling for a chibi!chun
i'll wait until the next update
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can I have snarky-smart child like Minnie please! him and Little Chunnie are like the ideal child who just plain love. *squishes little Chunnie*
And they talked before *spazzflail* Chunnie...you should use the phone more coz you'll know that your voice change when you talk in the phone...or is it that you couldn't remember Jae's voice hon? ooh...I feel like Jae has just raised his own soon to be lover...lol! and to think that Chun had always loved Jae...I don't know in what sense but the way Junsu was saying it sounded like Chunnie love him like a grateful person would *but we know there's more than grateful love between these two*
owh...you said that the third installment shall be short...but can it be long enough for a confession and a happy ever after *wishes*
shall keep on waiting and keeping the faith!
yea, that's chunnie for you, what's the word for it, technologically disadvantaged? ^^ ah, i'm sure something was disrupting chun from listening to jae's voice properly. after all, they were in a bar and chun's been drinking as well ^^
thank you so much!! ^__^ i..duno how short the next part will be maybe it won't be as short as i intended to be but i'll try to make it worth your wait *_*
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