Day 01 - Introduce yourself, in great detail. Day 02 - Your first love, in great detail. Day 03 - Your parents, in great detail. Day 04 - What you ate today, in great detail. Day 05 - Your definition of love, in great detail.
Love means never having to say you're sorry.
...What compelled me to make that cultural reference is beyond me. That movie's older than I am and I've never even seen it. Anyway, I will assume this is love in the romantic sense because I could be here all day otherwise.
My definition of love is probably pretty simple and naive compared to what I've heard from many other people and places. My definition of true love is simply people who trust each other, are happy to be together, and make each other stronger, capable of dealing with any circumstance that may affect them. An important part of my concept of 'true love' is that, whether they were before or after they became romantic, they inevitably become best friends. If I'm with someone and ten years later I realize they're not my best friend, I would realize I'm not in love with them.
Now, trusting someone incredibly strongly and more than anyone else doesn't mean "telling them 100% of everything", because I believe a part of love is understanding that everyone has things they do not want to tell anyone or even you and...both accepting that and being okay with it. With "being happy together", I don't mean "happy 100% of the time", because that is impossible; true love doesn't mean the absence of sadness or anger between the people, but simply being able to get through that together; in fact, if I saw two people that were 'in love' that never fought, I'd be concerned.
I'm not particularly concerned with finding someone I trust strongly, someone that makes me happy, and someone that makes me stronger by just loving me and being there because there are many people that would be capable of filling that role for me. What I hope to find is someone that would be accepting of having me fill that role for them. Me falling in love with someone won't be hard; finding someone who falls in love with me will be harder.
Day 06 - Your day, in great detail.
Day 07 - Your best friend, in great detail.
Day 08 - A moment, in great detail.
Day 09 - Your beliefs, in great detail.
Day 10 - What you wore today, in great detail.
Day 11 - Your siblings, in great detail.
Day 12 - What's in your bag, in great detail.
Day 13 - This week, in great detail.
Day 14 - What you wore today, in great detail.
Day 15 - Your dreams, in great detail.
Day 16 - Your first kiss, in great detail.
Day 17 - Your favorite memory, in great detail.
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday, in great detail
Day 19 - Something you regret, in great detail
Day 20 - This month, in great detail
Day 21 - Another moment, in great detail
Day 22 - Something that upsets you, in great detail
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better, in great detail
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry, in great detail
Day 25 - A first, in great detail
Day 26 - Your fears, in great detail
Day 27 - Your favorite place, in great detail
Day 28 - Something that you miss, in great detail
Day 29 - Your aspirations, in great detail
Day 30 - One last moment, in great detail