Blogcrew #07 ~ Clubhouse

Oct 30, 2008 20:58

CLAIM HERE sent me a message:
"Meet you at the clubhouse."
But we ended up in CLAIM HERE's bed.
*cough* We haven't been to the party *cough*


• Japanese entertainment only.
• 2 claims per user, 3 slots per claim.
• Put "Clubhouse" in the subject line. It helps my inbox.
• I claim Akanishi Jin & Yamashita Tomohisa, but no extra spot!
• This means, that the claim's slots are full.
• Names in italics = reservations. Reserve anyone?
• Please state the claim's NAME and BAND properly, if he's a non-johnnys.
• The list isn't complete. Feel free to claim someone who isn't on the list.


CLAIM HERE sent me a message:
"Meet you at the clubhouse."
But we ended up in CLAIM HERE's bed.">*cough* We haven't been to the party *cough*

The List:

Kamenashi Kazuya:
Akanishi Jin: elasticbanana & murasakimegumi
Taguchi Junnosuke:
Tanaka Koki:
Ueda Tatsuya:
Nakamaru Yuichi: marcsi568 & ultimate_haru

Yamashita Tomohisa: elasticbanana & wintergal & dara_rocks
Nishikido Ryo: marcsi568 & toukorin & gackt_tytta
Koyama Keiichiro: silver881
Kato Shigeaki:
Masuda Takahisa: massu89
Tegoshi Yuya: ultimate_haru & gackt_tytta & massu89

Yasuda Shota: ainekaikan
Shibutani Subaru: baru_rin

Hey! Say! JUMP
Takaki Yuuya: eunixe & chibilover14 (1 spot left)
Arioka Daiki: icecrusher_i_b & brosiscomplex (1 spot left)
Yabu Kota: twinkle2stars & yabu_yuki
Chinen Yuuri: fafa_sama
Yaotome Hikaru: auliyoo
Inoo Kei: rii_chii
Yamada Ryosuke: bluriishh

Ohno Satoshi: jpop_fanatic & amethystdream3
Matsumoto Jun: hitorikiri

Johnny's Jrs.
Kusano Hironori: auliyoo
Nozawa Yuki: rii_chii

the Gazette
Ruki: akaneichigo & ahhbao (1 spot left)
Uruha: love_akira (2 spots left)
Aoi: emi_ban & inv2 & lifeisnyaa

alice nine.
Tora: rainbow_legends
Saga: rainbow_legends & love_akira

D'espairs Ray
Zero: deatheaterjera

Satoshi: twilight_midna

Solo artists
Miyavi: stickeexmyv

blogcrews: owned (all closed)

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