It's midnight. I manage to snag rock star parking in from of my building as I routinely drive around the block. I leisurely get out, lock the car, and stroll through the courtyard, enjoying the fresh rainy scent of the garden. As I approach my front door, I see a woman looking at me from the second story window. I can't help but notice her bed-
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I just got back from a week-long Kentucky adventure road trip with my friends Grant and Michelle. This is one story we will never forget
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Below is the letter sent to every person signed up for the Global Night Cummuter after the event. It's awesome! Jacob, who is mentioned in this letter was in Chicago for the event. He was also in the Rough Cut documentary, sobbing over the loss of his brother and speaking of his dreams to be a lawyer - that was when he was younger and still
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The Global Night Commute (GNC) was incredible. It was exhilarating, exhausting, rainy, cold, miserable, reflective, joyous, momentous, and unified
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There's something compelling me to get involved with some guys even though I have no desire for an actual relationship with any of them. I think it's called a Sex Drive
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Sometimes I feel like I will never have the chance to "do it when things slow down." Whatever IT may be, I always tend to put it off until I'm done with my current show or until after the next camp session. I feel like my life has been reduced to a series of camp sessions and theatrical productions. I have nothing left that shapes my life- me-
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