Title: Sic Semper Tyrannis
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Word Count: 3,219 / 20,000 (?)
Spoilers: Guy's past, Fabre's role in the Hod war.
Summary: A slight twist of fate. Sync infiltrates the ferry after cursing Guy in Chesedonia, and when Luke is attacked, the others are forced to question why.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (
Chapter 4 )
Comments 9
Anyways, as always, very, very good. And yes, just knowing what happens at Akzeriuth makes it all the more heartbreaking ;_; .
I'm glad Manicalpha bullied talked you into writing more for this though. I can't wait until the next installment!
o .o *rereads fic again*
MORE. You've broken your toys. It's not like my fics where the point is to have a gut punch and leave them broken. This has the possibility of putting them back together. And I can see that you'd make the journey excellent and that it'd hurt and be so beautiful in the end and... *flail* NEED MORE PLZ.
Wait... but with Luke already realizing that he's a stuck-up jackass... well, I suppose Van could still manipulate him... but with Guy in the state he is and... I can't even imagine how Akzeriuth would turn out.
Hmmm... interesting.
But it's your call, not mine, I guess. ^^
Loved this chapter... Keep it up! XD
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