Jan 19, 2005 14:02
This week is the start of new classes, but the routine feels so old. I got a tattoo this morning. It's pretty cool. When it heals I'll post pictures. =)
Jan 09, 2005 18:29
It feels weird knowing I'll be at college again soon. At the same time it feels weird being here. It doesn't feel like home. College doesn't feel like home. But when I'm at the other I just imagaine how the other would feel so much better, like I'm supposed to be there. But when I get there...it never is.
Jan 01, 2005 23:36
It's 2005. Somehow I'm not impressed with the "giant" change.
Dec 31, 2004 00:11
Went skiing at Berkshire East today. It was great, I just kinda wish it had been with friends and not my family. Oh well, still had fun.
Dec 25, 2004 22:32
What I got for Christmas:
[x] A green mini iPod
[x] a checkered scarf
[x] SCENSTER punker dolls/toys
[x] Operation IVy vinyl
[x] Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban (i got 2)
[x] lots and lots of candy
[x] checkered watch
[x] money
Dec 20, 2004 00:54
I finally decided to get a livejournal and here it is.