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7 Basics
Previously stamped as:
Regular: Earth
Natural Disaters : Drought
Solar System: Moon
Flower : Cornflower
Animal: Owl
Gemstone : Pearl
Natural Wonder: Iguacu Falls
Colour: Cream
Western Zodic: Taurus
Constellations: Cassiopeia
Tree: Cypress
Mirror of the Elements: Autumn
Conitent: South America
Weather Forecast : Sunny & Clear
Cloud: Mammatus
Water Bodies: Brook
Landforms: Pensuila
Periodic Elements: Maganesse
Herb: Lemon Balm
Parasite : Mite
Emotion: Curosity
Bird: Owl
Location:Rainy & cold England
What is your typical clothing style? What outfits do you tend to wear on a day-to-day basis?:Jeans, solan t-shirts, converse trainers
Do you prefer elegance, comfort, cuteness, or a mix?:a mix of comfort and cutness
What is your idea of a perfect day?:shopping in a big city, or going to a museum
What are some positive traits to describe you?loyal, kind, caring, understanding, thoughful, muiscal, intellegent, sensetive, friendly, day dreamer
What are some negative traits to describe you?pessemistic, stubborn, obessive, materalistic, naive, worrier
What do you value most about yourself?:my intellegence - I know every random facts
What is your favorite season?:summer
Favorite colors?:white, pink, purple, blue, yellow
When you paint a room you:
[] Paint the room white or cream
[] Paint the room with neutral colors
[x] Paint the room with something vibrant
[x] Paint the room your current favorite color
[] Paint a mural on the wall
[] Draw/scribble on the walls
[] Other? (Explain)
What inspires you?:Sunny days :)
An image of something that represents you (URL or thumbnail):